I am a text block to be replaced with content

I am a text block to be replaced with content, I am a text block to be replaced with content. Nulla eget iaculis nunc, a aliquam metus. Nulla molestie, lectus non egestas cursus, felis risus sagittis mauris, a fermentum velit orci at quam. Maecenas placerat dolor vitae est faucibus pulvinar. Nam consequat augue in pharetra tristique. Maecenas laoreet neque tellus, eu sodales lorem eleifend ac. Mauris et lacus in magna elementum suscipit et at velit. Nullam gravida neque eget orci suscipit, at auctor neque cursus. Morbi tortor dolor, fringilla sed viverra at, eleifend nec diam. Sed lobortis nisl pharetra pulvinar molestie. Donec interdum, sem ut auctor condimentum, sem justo facilisis elit, eget laoreet nisl ligula quis metus. Fusce et bibendum sapien.

I am a text block to be replaced with content, porta ex quis, bibendum tellus. Nam at elementum nunc, at molestie velit. Nulla facilisi. Nunc eget pharetra turpis, ut blandit nisi. Curabitur et lobortis justo, ut tincidunt velit. Cras vestibulum ex quis orci semper aliquet. Quisque vel metus blandit, pretium nulla eu, bibendum lectus. Sed tincidunt dolor eu rutrum sollicitudin.


For honest and efficient engine repairs in Boise, ID, turn to the capable team at Oscars Automotive. “Life’s too short to drive boring cars.”

Digital vehicle inspection

We Are a Digital Shop

Our technicians use the latest technology to not only tell you if there are any issues with your vehicle, but show you. If we uncover an issue the photo will be e-mailed to you for your records. At the end of every visit you will receive a detailed report regarding the general health of your vehicle. Our #1 goal is to keep you safe on the road. We take pride in offering the BMW service Meridian, ID and surrounding areas depend on!